Self Defense Simulator Training
Did your concealed carry training have you practice scenarios and incorporate, verbal challenge, getting off the “x”, assessment of drawing too soon, ensuring a smooth draw from concealment or even making your 911 call? If you decided to not be involved, did you know when to leave or what the assailant looked like?
Too many times what is pitched as a CCW class, covers only a couple areas of really what is needed and it is a one way lecture. You have no idea if presented with the scenario if you would do it right or not. Sampson Consulting offers the opportunity to practice all of these and more with a state of the art simulator form Smokless Range.
This is not a live fire class, but you will use your gun and holster with a provided laser cartridge. The interactive video series will present around 15 different scenarios such as:
Car jacking, home invasion, child snatching, business robbery, active shooter, and more.
Class size is best suited to 4-6 people. Contact us today to find out what you have been missing.